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Youth and Reading

Youth and Reading

‘Books are our gateway to the collective wisdom of humanity by transcending the boundaries of time and space’. Reading also helps in developing ‘Bauddhik Svavlamban’ which forms a key aspect of the ‘Trividh Svavlamban’ framework put forth by Vinoba. In the NIRMAN process, we encourage the healthy habit of reading.

While reading quality non-fiction helps in cultivating a fact-based worldview, reading quality fiction helps nourish us as a human being. To ensure that high quality books take a precedence in youth’s reading list, we make available such books at subsidized rates during NIRMAN Workshops and other volunteering activities at SEARCH. NIRMAN regularly conducts book clubs in workshops and colleges.

Youth and Reading

Over the years, NIRMAN alumni have read and presented various fiction / non-fiction books.
Some of the interesting videos can be found below –

NIRMAN alumni reading and presenting various fiction / non-fiction books


Number of Books Sold / Gifted
Number of Youth Engaged
Number of Different Titles Sold
Highest Sold 1
Animal Farm
Highest Sold 2
या जीवनाचे काय करू आणि निवडक
Highest Sold 3